Created by Devi Cyanide (Tumblr/Instagram). PETROVOMICA is an episodic, dystopian story that follows the lives of two
partners; who protect people from the threat of feral mutants and dark deities.

PETROVOMICA is rated M and is intended for an adult audience.

PV has no update schedule. I work on it whenever I feel like working on it. PV does not have a serial plot and can be read "out-of-order."

PETROVOMICA is a very indie, very non-professional comic. I'm a hobbyist artist/writer who's working on this thing solo in my free time.
It's basically the product of some guy messing around with his OCs, rather than a work of masterful storytelling created by a team of
professionals. It might get messy, it might get weird, but I hope that regardless; you're able to enjoy! :]

As implied, I (Devi) am the sole artist & writer for PV. But special thanks to my buddy Bree for helping out a ton with the story and for caring!


PETROVOMICA takes place on an alternate Earth that was transformed by an outbreak of radiation-like arcane energy, called
Vomica, which mutated every human and animal it touched. The circumstances that brought about this outbreak
also freed dark deities and spirits from the hell-like "Undercrypt".

At the time the comic takes place, normal humans and animals no longer exist. Everyone on the New-Earth has gotten used
to being, and living among, mutants; as well as daimons (lesser deities and spirits). Many old nations and societies collapsed
during a period called the Vomic Panic, which occurred when vomica first appeared on Earth. Nowadays, most places are divided
into continents > regions > cities > districts. And most places are now either ran by a deity, or individuals within' their
community, rather than by a federal government. And there are plenty of off-grid communities as well.

PETROVOMICA takes place primarily in the districts of the city "Petrol". Petrol is located in the New Industria region of North America.


FRITZ BRĂ˜NSTED/THALLIUM SKUM: 25, Male, Human - Muscoid Mutant: A "simple" man with a passion for chemistry.

DUKE ELIGOR: Ageless/Adult, Daimon - Lesser Deity: An Aussie punk daimon who was raised among humans.